1 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba


Donal Trump

In his most recent endeavor to fix the legacy of his antecedent, President Donald Trump marked five more official activities on pipelines, steel, and the earth on Tuesday.

In spite of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Army's triumph in the fight to derail $3.7 billion Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota a month ago, Trump has required the re-approval and sped up finish of both the Dakota Access and the Keystone XL pipelines, which will empower the vehicle of fossil energizes crosswise over North America.

While Barack Obama rolled out battling atmosphere improvement a focal need, Trump has immediately attempted to disassemble the previous President's ecological and atmosphere record, upsetting maybe the two greatest natural triumphs of the Obama Administration.

Trump hasn't been in office for one week and he's as of now turned out to be the unsafe danger to the environment that we as a whole dreaded he would be. In any case, regardless of whether his endeavors will be effective is another story.

Perused on to take in more about what New Yorker benefactor Bill McKibben calls "the enduring annihilation, or endeavored obliteration, of the ecological assurances that have been set up in the course of recent decades."

The New Yorker, Bill McKibben

Tuesday started with news that the Trump Administration had forced a thorough stifler arrange on workers of the Environmental Protection Agency. As per a spilled reminder, "no official statements," "no blog messages," and "no online networking will go out," and "no new substance can be set on any site" until further notice—maybe an endeavor to disguise the other enormous E.P.A. declaration, which was that the office's stipends and contracts had been incidentally solidified, viably stopping its work.

At that point, at nine o'clock, the President ate with a gathering of radiating auto administrators. Trump revealed to them that he was "to a substantial degree a tree hugger," yet clearly his long interest in that development had convinced him that "environmentalism is crazy." The last time Detroit's C.E.O.s went to the White House, in 2011, President Obama motivated them to concur, grudgingly, to build normal mileage to 54.5 miles for every gallon, a vow they now plan to abnegate. The day went on.

Just before twelve—encompassed by his undeniably well known cast of white folks in suits—Trump marked an official request facilitating endorsements for the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, accordingly upsetting maybe the two greatest natural triumphs of the Obama years, both of which the promotion association I helped found, 350.org, battled for vivaciously.

There is, at the end of the day, another day unfolding, and we're certain as hellfire not going to utilize any of that daylight for vitality. Rather, unmistakably we're going to witness the enduring obliteration, or endeavored pulverization, of the natural assurances that have been set up in the course of recent decades.

Another spilled notice, discharged on Monday and credited to Myron Ebell, the veteran environmental change denier regulating Trump's E.P.A. move group, clarified a portion of the Administration's first needs: ceasing Obama's Clean Power Plan, which utilizes the Clean Air Act to control plants; amending the guidelines on advancement in vital wetlands; and even such granular assignments as reining in endeavors to stop the widespread contamination of Chesapeake Bay. The full rundown, I envision, will extend endlessly.

The incipient push to keep spillage from fracking wells, for example, will probably be relinquished, implying that we'll keep on spewing methane and additionally carbon dioxide into the climate. At the Department of the Interior, they're preparing to begin renting coal from open grounds once more; at State, Rex Tillerson says he needs a "seat at the table" in universal atmosphere arrangements, yet presumably won't push them forward.

President Donald Trump demonstrates one of the official requests he marked in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington on Tuesday

The drive to free up polluters is so solid and instilled that it abrogates even the standard Republican duty to states' rights: Scott Pruitt, who sued the E.P.A. fourteen circumstances before being named to head it, inauspiciously said at his affirmation hearing that he couldn't guarantee California would keep on receiving the waiver that permits it to set its own vehicle-outflows principles.

There's not the smallest confirmation that Americans need laxer natural laws. A survey discharged a week ago demonstrated that almost 66% of Americans would incline toward that the E.P.A's. forces be protected or fortified. Sun based power, in the mean time, surveys something like dessert among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike.

Be that as it may, the overview that numbers in the Trump Administration is of magnates, and, as Jane Mayer exhibited in her book "Dim Money," the head honchos of the conservative subsidizing system, whose pupils are currently set up over the Cabinet, detest natural direction with an energy. We know some of them—the Koch siblings, for example. Be that as it may, there is an entire association of cartoonish miscreants, including John Menard, Jr., the wealthiest man in Wisconsin, whose organization was once accused of naming arsenic-polluted mulch as

Against them stands reality, as a maverick worker of the National Park Servicereminded us on Tuesday evening, challenging another stifler arrange by tweeting out atmosphere information from the official Badlands National Park account. The reason we have ecological directions is on the grounds that, when we didn't, the air was smudged and the water acrid. Tidying up our skies and our streams has been a colossal achievement all around, including financially: any endeavor to count things like lost work days or visits to the crisis room demonstrates that checking contamination has immense degrees of profitability. (Simply ask the Chinese, who are frantically attempting to cobble together their own particular arrangement of natural securities.)

As in such a variety of different cases, the profits on deregulation will go to a modest bunch of exceptionally well off Americans, and the cost will be spread crosswise over society, falling especially hard on the individuals who live close to the thruways and on the surge fields. Reality gets plainer consistently on a planet that just observed the most sizzling year ever recorded, where ocean ice is at an untouched low, and where California's epic dry season has abruptly offered approach to epic flooding. History will judge the planning of Trump's campaign with unique brutality—it is, you may state, a last-pant exertion.

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